Saturday, July 14, 2007

Short Squeeze on the NASDAQ, what about the TSX?

I asked ShortSqueeze how he finds his selections, "it's a manual process", he says. So I automated it.
So, just for kicks, shits and giggles, I ran a scan to find the highest percent short interest and highest number of days to cover for stocks on the NASDAQ. You can view the Spreadsheet online.
The Fly is looking for squeeze plays in MCHX and CORS (and others), these two are high on the list.
Here is an interesting article on short interest for Canadian stocks. It basically concludes that highly shorted stocks are more likely to decrease in price for stocks listed on the the TSX. There is not much mention of short squeezes though. There is also no mention of inter-listed stocks, leaving this report with a fairly weak and lame conclusion. Needless to say, I have been unable to find a free source of short interest data for the TSX, other than the top 20 the exchange provides for download. The squeeze is probably a better play in a larger market like the NASDAQ, more participants, more emotion.

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